06:10 GBP/USD closed on SL 1.57090.   +108pips with 12pips SL.

06:00 Im defending position closer - over last 5min bar.

05:49  Night brought v nice fall down of GBP/USD. It reached my 1st long term target:
1.57049 is 61.8 of 1-5move and 127,2 of AC wave.
I moved SL to 1.57220 because of sell signal on slow DT on 15min TF:


 21:40 I'm leaving this position for night. SL still 1.57870. BTW my time is GMT+1 = Central Europe

20:08 GBP/USD I have sell signal on 15min chart on slow DT. Now i can move SL above this high:

17:09  Long term GBP/USD position SL moved to 1.58015 - sell signal on 5m slow DT.

Edit: 16:24  GBP/USD Short term position closed on SL. +36pips with 12pips SL.
Long term position should last much longer - but it can of course close on SL which is now just +6pips.

 Edit: 1.57810 SL

Edit: 16:18 GBP/USD Price reached 50% fibo and short term stop lose moved to 1.57840 - i will move it over 5min bars.

Edit 16:10 When there will be buy signal on faster DT on H1 Time Frame i will start to defend short term position just over last 5min bar. 

 Edit 16:06 Im moving long term position SL to 1.58110 due to high with sell signal on 15min slow DT:


13:09 SL on GBP/USD moved to 1.58170

Short term position SL moved to 1.58110 Long term is still on 1.58170